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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Presentation Software

This chapter was very informative and I was amazed at all the ideas for using presentation software in the classroom. I thought it was a great point that slide shows with pictures to generate students thinking. Also, slide shows invite student participation and keep students engaged. I liked the idea of creating a portfolio slide show. This enables students to track their own progress and share it with parents and other students. For younger students, I thought the acrostic poem would be a beneficial tool to introduce students to the power point program and tools. I will use the postcard and trading card idea in my future classroom. These projects can be applied to any subject and are very engaging for students. I was surprised at how many project ideas this chapter presented. I am looking forward to learning more about power point and creating some of the projects that were suggested in the chapter.
So far I am amazed with all I have learned. I never thought I would be able to create projects with excel such as the interactive quiz.  I look forward to learning more and becoming proficient with power point.

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