I thought the most effective idea presented in this chapter was using spreadsheets to learn about income and expenses. This is a very important skill for students to develop, so why not introduce managing money using spreadsheets in elementary school. As students mature and eventually start working, they will already possess skills to carefully manage and keep track of their money.
This week, I was surprised by the many uses of excel spreadsheets. I was always somewhat intimidated of working with spreadsheet because I wasn't confident in my ability. After this week, I am much more comfortable using spreadsheet and I even am aware of tools I didn't know existed. I am now able to create interactive quizzes that give immediate feedback. These skills will be very helpful in the future because I will be able to present my students with various methods of learning and testing. I will also be able to expose my students to technology starting at the elementary school level so they can begin to develop their own technological skills.