It was difficult for me to preform the first assignment for this class. I was having a lot of trouble finding articles that pertained to the specific topic of teaching Math using Microsoft Word. In the past I could never master how to navigate around the article search through Ames. I would use Google or some other method which probably is not very reliable. Class on Thursday was very helpful in learning the best and most efficient ways to find exactly what I needed from credible references. Just having Professor Nillas show us how to search for individual publications is an important tool that will be helpful when searching for sources. I also think that the RefWorks files will come in handy not only throughout this semester, but also in future education classes. Hopefully we will continue to add to the Refworks files and compile a nice group of useful articles that can teach us how to best use technology in our future classrooms.
You still need to search more and use other journals and databases to practice your Refworks skills. Also, using the proper keywords is important in making a successful search. Just be patient you these skills will be second nature after doing so many trials.
I completely agree with Lisa! I was getting very frustrated when trying to search for an appropriate article. I have never been very good at doing research, so I am glad that we got some more guidance during class on Thursday.
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