Friday, February 26, 2010
Photo Story
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Technology of the Week
Dipity is aslo a great tool for any subject. I could see myself using it the most in history. It would provide me with the opportunity to create a timeline of history in different cultures that we study.
I enjoyed watching the photo stories today. I was very impressed by everyone's movie. I could see myself showing these types of videos in class.
photo story
I found the photo story project somewhat challenges in the way I had to cut down the information I wanted to share with students into the time frame. It makes sense that after a few minutes students are less likely and less able to pay attention, and I found I had to cut out some of the examples I would have liked to share. Also, pacing the voiceover so as not to speak too quickly was also challenging as there was so much information that I wanted to get to.
While my project focused on the steps of the research process, fulfilling the fifth goal of the state objectives, I can really see how photo stories could be used to introduce a novel. Background information, fun quotes to look forward to: there are numerous possibilities that could be effective in getting students excited about a new literary unit!
Photo Story
Photostory projects
Dipity is also a great resource for creating timelines in the classroom. I thought that the idea of using it to have students create a biographical timeline on this site was an excellent idea. In most elementary school classrooms, students do create timelines of their lives. Incorporating technology in this project would be an excellent idea.
At the beginning of the course, I felt very insecure about using new technologies. However, after going through tutorials and becoming familiar with the technology available, I feel much more confident and competent in regards to integrating technology into classroom instruction when it comes to Smartboard technology, Wiki, and photostory.
Photostory Presentations
Photo Story Thoughts
PhotoStory Projects
The only frustration I had with this project was getting the music to work with the program. Some types of files weren't compatable with Photostory, and it got frustrating when I couldn't use the ideas I wanted. But in the end, everything worked out alright.
Photo Stories
Photo stories would be very useful to introduce a topic, practice a new skill, or summarize something that has already been taught. I think students would really enjoy watching photo stories every once in a while because it adds variety to classroom instruction and holds their interest. In my educational experience, I remember enjoying photo stories that my teachers showed in class because they are concise and interesting.
Sharing photostories!
I really like the technology of the week. I think timelines can be incorporated into many different activities and can really help students visualize when things were happening. Also, like I said in class, it can be used (at least in foreign language) to offer a reenforcement of tenses, concepts or vocabulary.
iMovie presentation and Tech of the Week
One of the hardest parts of this project, however, was finding photos that were not copyrighted. Wikipedia actually had a lot of photos available that were either open to public domain, or were allowed to share with attribution to the original photographer. Another great site that I used was the, which I found from the Flickr presentation given on the Tech of the Week google site.
As far as Dipity, it seems like it would be hard to incorporate math into timelines. The only projects I could think about that would be relevant for a time-line would be the history of math, when certain theories and breakthroughs occurred, which would give students the ability to see how long certain math concepts have been known to the world and accepted. This would be able to show students how far back mathematics goes in history, as well as the current discoveries still being made, like larger and larger prime numbers being discovered more recently.
Photo Story Sharing and Tech of the week!
I thought the tech of the week was really cool and I actually can't wait to use it myself! Dipiti was really neat, because it provides me with all the information I may need throughout time. I can see utilizing this program in the classroom all the time no matter the age level.
Monday, February 22, 2010
chapter 10 reading
Math reading and Imovie project
Elementary Reading: Drawing
One thing I loved that this chapter included was the idea of portraits. Self-portraits can be utilized at any grade level and the drawing tool can help with that. The book also talks about growth processes and how drawing programs can be used for that. I remember in science we learned so many processes that can now be easily taught with drawing on the computer. Students can use these programs to interact and learn hands on.
As for the photo story, I'm finding it really cool how you can teach students in different ways. I think this is something I would definitely use and would be so helpful for students who are absent.
Elementary Reading: Drawing
Photostory Project and Readings
The reading for elementary this week discussed the use of drawing programs. I had never realized how beneficial those programs like Paint and KidPix were. I remember loving the time we got to play with KidPix when I was elementary school. These programs can help with motor skills and coordination--students have to learn to have control over the mouse and know where they want color and lines. There were a lot of really great suggested activies. You can incorporate vocabulary and have students draw the object and label parts. You can also compare periods of history and have them draw what life looks like today compared to 100 years ago. I really liked the idea of gallery showings, where you have all the students leave their drawings up on the computer and then walk around and look at all the different versions. The kids can see all the different variations of color. Drawing programs are definitely a good idea to include in elementary schools.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Elem. Reading and Photostory
My photostory project is going well. I just added my commentary to my pictures and I think it looks and sounds pretty good. I am still trying to figure out how to add music over my voice. Every time I try to add a music clip, my commentary disappears. Any help on this would be appreciated!
Reading, project 2
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Thoughts on Technology of the week and Imovie project so far
So far I am every pleased with the Technology of the week topics. Getting to know all of these different tools which can me used in the classroom is really neat. The examples that each presenter has posted on the website seem to demonstrate the technology very well. Not only that but also the ability that that certain technology has to cover all content areas.
Also it is very cool to learn how all of these different technologies work. For example I have always wondered about java flash animations and applets and how they work. Now I know thanks to tech of the week!!
Another thing that I am very excited about is the Imovie project. It seems to be a very cool idea and one that can be used for all subjects. Being a math major the obvious uses for math are not necessarily teaching math, but teaching the history of math and key concepts such as applications to everyday life.
With such a simple program to use and create lessons I wonder why I have never been introduced to this technology before. It seems very advantages in all aspects of teaching.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Photo Story Project
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Photo Story
For my project I was assigned Social Studies at the elementary level. I am planning on outlining my presentation as a virtual field trip to see different geographic regions of the United States. It is starting to come together well and I am excited for the finished product. I am a little concerned about the amount of time that we have to complete this project, especially since I do not have this program on my laptop to be able to really work on it outside of class. I also can't wait to see the projects of my classmates. Good luck and have fun everyone!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Project 2
I am a little concerned about my own project, however, because I haven't thought of any great ideas yet. I have a general idea of what I want to do, but I am having trouble being creative with it. My content area is elementary math, and I am thinking about doing something related to comparing whole numbers (greater than, less than, equal to) and comparing the number of objects in different groups. Hopefully it will come together for me soon!
I do believe, however, that this project will be very beneficial to us in the future, and I can't wait to see how they turn out!
Project 2 Thoughts
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Technologies of the Week
Technologies of the Week
Reflecting on Technology
This past week I worked a lot with Google Earth, since I am focusing on Geography for my SmartBoard lesson (at the Elementary school level). I think that Google Earth can really come in handy for geography and science lessons. I was able to record a virtual tour of the U.S. looking at various land forms, such as deserts, mountains, forests, and wetlands. In my lesson in particular it came in handy to give students a visual on how many different climates and landforms with have just in our own country and where they are in relation to each other. It is more exiciting than simply looking at a map with texture because the students know that they are looking at actual satellite images.
All in all, my experience with all these technology has really opened my eyes to the endless learning tools that we have at our fingers. There are so many more options now to create activites that hold interest and present material in new, unique ways. I think that education can really benefit from all these different tools we have learned about in the past few weeks.
Monday, February 8, 2010
technology of the week
Thoughts on Google Earth, Podcast, and Flicker
Thus far I have found all of the technologies of the week to be very cool and interesting. I see great potential for each one in a math classroom. Google Earth seems especially interesting for uses in mathematics. All of the websites which are posted on our wikispace show great examples which explain how Google Earth can be used as a tool in the math classroom. I really like the example about calculating population changes and the one about calculating angles of buildings and roads. Podcast also seems to be a good fit for the math classroom. With podcasts from NASA and other science agencies there are bound to be daily podcasts, which deal with math and could be used to show students the practical daily uses of math. Flicker, the final tech of the week, seems to offer an infinite amount of possible uses in the math classroom. Several pictures have to deal with geometry and thus would make a great fit in the geometry class.
All in all I can’t wait to see what technology is presented next in tech of the week. The three technologies which have been presented so far have been very interesting which only makes me impatient for the next technology we learn about.
Technology of the Week Reflection
I also thought the Podcasts were interesting because I never knew much about them before this class. They seem like they would be fun for students to use and a good way to maintain diversity in the types of lessons and activities used in class, which will hold the students' interest. I especially enjoyed the Great Books Audio podcast, because it seems like a good way to inspire students to read and enjoy the process.
As Jenna said, I enjoyed learning about Flickr, but I do not believe it will be as useful in the classroom as the other two technologies we learned about. However, the websites Katie included seem to be interesting and fun for students to use.
Overall, I have enjoyed the Technology of the Week presentations because I had never learned about any of these programs in depth before. I especially appreciate the websites that each person has included in their presentations because they are good resources and will likely be useful to me as a future educator.
Tech of the Week
Tech of the week
I really liked learning about Google Earth and Podcasts as well. I have Google Earth and have played around with it before, but did not know it could do more than just locating pictures of people's homes. I really liked that it can also be used to look at images in the oceans and in space! How cool! With Podcasts, I really never thought about using them in the classroom, but they can be very useful. After class I was listening to a few of them that Kari posted and they were really neat! I think all 3 of these can be used when teaching, not only as teachers when lecturing but the students can also use these applications to learn.
I did not realize until Professor Nillas mentioned it on Thursday, but because they are posted online, in a few years when we are all teaching we can go back to this site and look at the examples to help as we make lesson plans. Overall I think this has been really neat and I am excited to learn more as the weeks progress.
Tech of the Week Thoughts
Podcasts and Flickr
I really liked Flickr because it is a resource that teachers can use when they want their students to be creative. I liked the idea of having students find pictures to tell a story. Using pictures will help supplement students' stories and will benefit those students who always say they never know what to write about. This is because if you help these students find 3-5 pictures to get them started, it will give them a basic idea of what they want their story to be about and will help them get some ideas down on paper.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Tech of the week & a little side note on Smart board
My smartboard project is coming along pretty well. I'm finding it's tough to find activity's suited for art for the elementary goals. Since art is such a hands on thing, I think it should be interesting how it turns out! I'm glad I've gotten the opportunity to work with smartboard and experience it's features so I won't feel lost when I enter the classroom. :)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My Project So Far...
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
smart board project thus far
So far I feel that my smart board project is going very well. Some of the things that I feel are going well include the integration of the material for the lesson onto the smart notebook. The Notebook is very easy to use and seems to know exactly what I want it to do. Another aspect of my presentation, which I feel, is going well is the use of Smart boards formatting materials. The smart board allows my presentation to look very clean and well… presentable.
So far it seems the only thing that is not going well with my smart board presentation is that I cannot find the symbols I am looking for. I realize that this would not be a problem in math if I had the math version of the smart notebook, however making due with what I do have has proven to be somewhat difficult. I am sure that with a little more time I will be able to find the exact symbols I am looking for and complete my presentation.
I am enjoying working with the smart board and hope that my experience with the smart board continues down this very positive road.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Smart Board Project
Thoughts on Smart Board project thus far...
SmartBoard Project
One aspect of the SMART notebook that I particularly like is all of the interactive games available for teaching, reviewing, and assessing students. During my job search many districts want to know how I will use technology as a resource to teach students. Referencing this project as well as everything else I have learned so far in this course has helped me answer that question. Understanding how to use the technology to enhance student engagement is something school districts are now expecting of teachers and I think that that is why a course like this is so beneficial to us as pre-service teachers.