Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I think that the Smart Board is a great tool that is especially beneficial to the teacher. I really like how you can go to websites or open a document and highlight or point things out for the students, and explain exactly what you want them to do by showing them on the actual document as well as verbally saying it. I also like how it keeps the students and the teacher involved with each other as well as the board, everyone is looking at the same thing at the same time.
I also think it is a good tool for the students. Though it would be nice if more than one student could use the Smart Board at the same time, students who are not up at the board can still participate and stay involved. The one thing I especially like about Smart Board is (at least for right now) students are drawn to using the smart board and are excited about it which is also drawing them into learning. I thought it was cute how in the article the students were saying, "My finger is magic" and "the board is magic." Being able to enteract with the smart board really seemed to engage them into the lessons. Learning becomes fun for the students, something students want to actively play a part in.
One thing I also really liked about the article was the different perspectives- observations from the US as well as Australia and the United Kingdom. It is neat to see how the Smart Boards are being used here and what the benefits are and what the research shows but it is also really cool to see the the similarities in findings elsewhere.
Smartboard Technology
However, as I read this article I couldn't help but think of the potential downfalls of using Smartboards. As others have mentioned, one of the major drawbacks is that only one person can write on the board at a time, which may slow down certain activities. I would also be hesitant while using it with younger elementary students because the abundance of activities and options available may be more distracting than helpful if they are not utilized effectively. However, if teachers are trained properly on how to use the Smartboard and if they do not rely solely on it for their instruction, I believe the Smartboard can be a very beneficial addition to the classroom.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Smart Boards
I had no idea that there were so many different possibilities for activities on the smart board. I remember in high school I had a math class that used a smart board, but I don't think my teacher at the time made good use of it. All she did was use the marker tool instead of writing on the chalkboard. At that time I didn't see the value of having one in the classroom. If she had put some of the tools she had access to use I think it would have made a world of difference for me. The new understanding I have of Smart Board technology has shown me that any subject can benefit from this, which is great since I am going to teach at the elementary level and therefore need these kinds of technology for all subject areas.
I can see the definite value in using Smart Boards with younger students. Not only will they pay more attention and have more fun, they can get instant feedback while learning. For example, in an activity that requires a student to drag a term to the proper category, if the student gets it wrong he or she will know right away and learn the correct relationship between the category and term. He won't have to wait a few days to get a quiz or test back.
I am really looking forward to continue exploring the possible uses of the Smart board and implementing it in my future classroom.
I do believe, however, that this article plays up the Smartboard's ability to enhance student understanding and review processes. In order for the student's understanding to be enhanced, the teacher must first know how to use the Smartboard effectively. The article seems to assume that all teachers are proficient using the Smartboard. In my opinion, the Smartboard will be of no help until the teacher is trained to use it properly. At the beginning of my student teaching experience, I primarily used it as a whiteboard and didn't use many of the applications available. I wouldn't say that my student's learning was enhanced by the Smartboard at this point, especially because it was just being used as a board to write on. Had I been more trained to use all the programs, I feel that I would have been able to accommodate a variety of learning styles and enhance student understanding and review processes like the article claimed.
Smartboard Learning
Smart Board reading
Smart Board
Interactive Whiteboards and Learning response
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Smart Board
Since I never used Smart Boards in school, it was interesting to learn about the impact they can have on the learning environment. I agree that Smart Boards would create streamline lessons. Teacher can incorporate many aspects into one lesson a Smart Board. Each lesson can include notes, manipulative, and other interactive aspects. The Smart Board is a tool that meets the needs of every student. Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners would all benefit from using a Smart Board. Since they current students are an increasingly technologically driven generation, it is important to connect them to the digital world in the classroom. Using technology motivates students to participation in the lessons. The interaction between the students and the lessons creates an interactive environment. I agree with the author that using a Smart Board keeps the teacher and students connected. Smart Boards do not separate teachers from the students as computers sometimes can.
I can’t wait to use Smart Board in my future classroom. I plan on using a Smart Board every day in the classroom, since it creates an interactive learning environment which motivates students to achieve in the classroom. I am excited to learn more about the Smart Board because I never had the opportunity to use on when I was in school.
Smart board reading
In conclusion, the smart board is a great new device that can help motivate and encourage students towards active learning. By allowing students to interact with the smart board, students feel in control and this helps the learning process in classrooms.
SMART board reading
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Iwandlearning reading
First of all I had no idea that smart boards have been around since 1991. That is crazy! I feel like computers were still being worked on and people were already working with the idea of an interactive touch computer.
Another thing I found very interesting was the amount of emphases the article placed on students being able to interact with the material they are learning. When I stopped to think about it I realized that I really do learn better when I am engaged and able to physically do something with the material. As the article says the smart board is a great way to have kids interact with the material.
I also found the fact that the smart board is used in several countries very interesting. Because the smart board is so successful in these other countries it seems that it truly is the technology that will soon be in every classroom.
The fact that the smart board can be used to teach all children with different needs seems to me to be one of the biggest benefits of using it in the classroom. The one example that the reading gives which really sticks out to me is how the smart board can be used to help visually impaired students. When first looking at this problem it seems that the smart board will fail, however, upon further investigation of the smart boards properties we see that with its vast amount of tools the smart board has the ability to enlarge text and even read words for students who may need the extra help.
All in all through this reading I have found much more evidence as to why the smart board seems to be the ultimate tool in teaching in the classroom. It seems to me that the smart board can do countless things for every subject in school, and that is why I believe the smart board will be a very powerful tool.